Tim Sevarino – Founder
I remember a day in 2006 when I heard God say to me very clearly, “Tim, it’s time to step out of the boat, and when you do others will follow.” My life has looked so different since that day. I continue to pursue that hunger for more of God and the doors continue to open for us to equip others to reach the nations.
Tim Sevarino – Founder
Stepping Out Ministries has now developed into a ministry that provides many opportunities to push people out of their comfort zones and into a life of supernatural ministry. Our vision is to also come alongside churches and ministries to help ignite that passion in the body of Christ in order to have maximum impact on their church, city and nation.
Through the execution of conferences with interactive sessions, outreach, prophetic conferences and international missions trips people are provided the tools and opportunities needed to receive a better understanding of their authority to minister the Gospel in love and power.
– Tim Sevarino